Players worldwide set new records for most costly videogame battle and most Titans lost in a battle. New in-game monument to be deployed in honor of this historic engagement
February 4th, 2021 – Reykjavík, Iceland – CCP Games announced today that their players have broken a further two GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS titles in EVE Online, the community-driven massively multiplayer online (MMO) game, with a gigantic battle resulting from the game’s ongoing inter-player war. More than 5000 players duked it out for territorial control in what has been called the “Massacre at M2-XFE”, a New Year’s Eve clash between two of EVE Online’s largest player-run coalitions.
The two GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS titles now held by EVE Online are:
The events of the battle and its significance for EVE Online players are detailed in this blog from CCP Games: The Massacre of M2-XFE – The most destructive battle in video game history (so far)
By the Numbers:
On 30 – 31 December 2020, over 5,000 players across two of EVE’s largest player-run coalitions, The Imperium and PAPI, participated in the Massacre at M2-XFE, a 14-hour fleet fight involving over 1000 Titans, 400 Super Carriers, and 400 Dreadnoughts. Amidst the chaos of battle, a record-breaking number of Titans (257) were destroyed, the largest ship-type available in EVE Online, as well as 6 Super Carriers, 50 Carriers, and 50 Dreadnoughts, with a full total loss of 3,404 ships destroyed. These losses totaled 29,111,604,784,863 ISK, equating to $378,012 USD, and beating the previous GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title of $302,387 USD for losses resulting from 2014’s Bloodbath of B-R5RB.
Since July 2020, a massive player-driven conflict between alliances has been unfolding in EVE Online. Dubbed “World War Bee 2”, upwards of 130,000 players have battled it out in a war for in-game territory and geopolitical dominance. World War Bee 2 is the third such universal war since the game’s release in 2003, with the Massacre at M2-XFE standing out as the costliest engagement so far in the ongoing conflict. To commemorate the Massacre at M2-XFE and all the valiant players who took part, CCP Games will be deploying an in-game monument in the near future as a testament to the indomitable pilots of New Eden.
“EVE Online has once more demonstrated the astounding events that can happen within the universe of New Eden and with its player-driven world,” said Hilmar V. Pétursson, CCP Games’ CEO. “Watching the Massacre of M2-XFE unfold was a visually breathtaking moment for all of us at CCP. None of this could be possible without our hugely dedicated players around the world, and we thank you for believing in our vision of what EVE Online can be.”
“The Massacre at M2-XFE is yet another milestone in the story of the EVE Online and its players,” said Bergur Finnbogason, Creative Director for EVE Online. “The unfolding war within New Eden has been nothing short of extraordinary this past year. We are humbled that our virtual world has again earned not one, but two GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS titles, and this could never have happened without our dedicated community.”
Craig Glenday, Editor-in-Chief for GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS added, “The limitless potential of EVE Online provides once again an epic, record-smashing battle that’s a test of both human and technological prowess. No game has the kind of passionate, invested, and empowered community that EVE Online enjoys, which is why it’s still, nearly 20 years on, reigning supreme as the ultimate MMO space game. Congratulations to all those involved – even those off licking their wounds will agree it was a battle to be remembered for a very long time.”
Some EVE pilots who participated in the Massacre at M2-XFE shared their impressions of the battle:
“This was a bare hands, bloody knuckle fight over a backwater Keepstar in a system that didn’t matter, and it turned into one of the most consequential fights in the history of EVE, lasting 14+ hours and seeing more Titans die than every other major Titan brawl put together. It was amazing to be there, to cover the entire fight from start to finish live on stream… even if it did cost me a Titan.” – Brisc Rubal, The Imperium
“This battle is a bit like a poker game where both players stockpiled weapons for several years and then went all-in. One side started escalating the fight to the absolute maximum of their resources, and the other matched in full; not just in terms of manpower but also in the value of assets committed. It is rare in EVE to see so much at stake in a single fight as the losses can undo years of effort from thousands of participating players. However, in this rare instance it did indeed happen, causing the biggest fight we have ever seen, both for the numbers of players involved and the amount of assets destroyed. Really remarkable.” – Gobbins, PAPI
EVE Online can be downloaded for free and further information about the game can be found via EVE Updates.
Assets can be found here.
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Journalists seeking information about CCP or its products, interviews or further assets should contact media@ccpgames.com.
About EVE Online®
EVE Online (PC/Mac) is a compelling, community-driven sci-fi MMO game where players can build and pilot a wide variety of spaceships, traversing vast solar systems for free and choosing their own path from countless options, experiencing space exploration, immense PvP and PvE battles, mining, industry and a sophisticated player economy in an ever-expanding sandbox. EVE is a captivating game in which hundreds of thousands of players compete for riches, power, glory and adventure, forging their own destinies in a single thriving universe. For more information, visit www.eveonline.com.
About CCP Games
CCP is a leading independent game developer that has been praised for its artistry, technology and game design that facilitates emergent behavior, empowering players with compelling means of self-expression. Founded in 1997 on the principle of pushing the envelope and breaking new ground on all levels, CCP is on a mission to create virtual worlds more meaningful than real life. With the launch of EVE Online in May 2003, CCP established itself as a pioneer of cutting edge massively multiplayer games, winning numerous awards and receiving critical acclaim worldwide. CCP is headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland, and has additional studios in London and Shanghai. For more information, visit www.ccpgames.com.
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